Tuesday, December 1, 2009

4 weeks down, 6 to go

I have completed 4 weeks of training for the WDW 1/2 in January. I ran a total of 19 miles last week. My long run was 8 miles on Saturday. The weather was perfect for running, and I had a great run. My time was 1 hour & 11 minutes. I was pretty happy with the time. I also did a short 3 mile run on Thanksgiving morning. It was cold and spitting snow while I was running.

This coming week I have 21 miles on the schedule with my long run a 10 miler on Saturday. I usually feel after running 10 miles that I'm ready to run the 1/2. I am looking forward to being in the sunshine in Florida in January. I'll give you an update next week.

Thanks for reading.

Run strong & enjoy the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Good job. Your time is great. Is this your first half or have you done it before? I'll look forward to hearing how it goes. Still planning on Goofy in 2011.

    Enjoying the blog,
    Albert (albertruns.blogspot.com)
